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 Single Moms and Dads Ministry

Part of the mission of Singles Pleasing The Lord is to practically address the needs of Single Parents.   We currently have the following programs for single moms and dads:
Single Moms Spa Package:  Once a year around Mothers Day Singles Pleasing the Lord gives selected single mothers a spa day that includes spa services such as  manicures, massages and pedicures at a first class spas.
Single Parent Christmas Grants:  Once a year at Christmas time Singles Pleasing The Lord gives selected moms and dads in financial need Christmas grants to help them provide Christmas for their children.
Single Parent Workshop:  Once a year Singles Pleasing the Lord hosts a Single Parent Workshop for single moms and dads.  Topics covered in the workshop include developing effective discipline techniques, teaching parents how to cope with gangs, bullying, sexual promiscuity, financial management and child support, skill and wisdom for single mothers raising boys alone and single fathers raising girls alone, managing the daily stress of parenting alone, improving their child's performance in school, increasing their child's emotional stability and improving communication between parent and child.
Single Moms Prayer Call:  Once a week single mothers come together and pray for their children via conference call.  Prayer leaders for the conference call are Shantel Walker and Tara Broussard
If you would like more information about our ministry to single moms and single dads email us at or call 630 513-0038.