Single and Engaged

Congratulations!  This is a very special time in your life, as you prepare to share your life with your lifetime companion.  You are about to end your season as a single adult and move to another season in your life.  May this engagement period be marked by:

If you have any reservations or concerns about your decision to marry voice them now to people who have wisdom and care about both of you like your pastor or parents.  Don't assume that when you get married things will automatically work out.  If it is a problem before marriage, it will be an even greater problem after marriage.


If there are young children involved, make sure they are accepting of the marriage and their new parent.  Make sure your partner is accepting of your children and prepared to take on parenting responsibilities.  Discuss your views on child rearing in detail and be in agreement on key areas such as discipline and appropriate activities for children to participate in.  Don't just assume these things will work out now that you are married.  Make sure the children respect God's ordained order of life management for their parent, God first, the new spouse second and then the children. 


If there are adult children involved, make sure they are accepting of the marriage and their new parent, particularly if this is a second marriage and the children had a strong attachment to the other parent and the parent was loss to death or divorce.  Make sure the children respect God's ordained order of life management for their parent, God first, the new spouse second and then the children. 


Don't be in a hurry, take your time, enjoy your courtship, put the right foundation in place to have a successful marriage.  Be led by peace, and if you don't have it don't get married.  Remember the most successful marriages occur when two fulfilled successful singles come together.  If you have not experienced success as a single adult, if you are needy insecure and believing that your life is suddenly going to be complete and whole because you have a marriage partner you are sadly mistaken and more than likely not ready for a marriage partner.  Be able to look at your single life and say I have accomplished all God wanted me to accomplish as a single adult and I am now ready for my season of marriage.  I am whole and complete as a single adult.  I am fulfilled as a single adult and now I believe God has brought this person into my life so that we can demonstrate the relationship that Christ is to have to the church and the relationship the church is to have to Christ.  If you can honestly say that - get ready and prepare to enjoy the most incredible marriage God can provide!!!


Singles Pleasing the Lord would like to pray this prayer for you:


Father as you have brought this single adult together with their life-time companion, we pray that the engagement will be marked, purity, holiness, wisdom, planning and peace.  We pray that their finances are stable so that they can start their relationship out without debt.  We pray there parents are supportive and their Pastor is wise and sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading in his counsel of them.  We pray their passion for one another is yielded to and under the control of the Holy Spirit.


We pray that their experiences as a successful single adult will enhance their married life and cause them to be a valuable gift for their partner. 


We pray that their wedding is marked by beauty, order and a tangible presence of the Holy Spirit's direction.  We pray that Jesus is glorified at the wedding celebration and the honeymoon is marked by anointed sex and fulfillment. 


We believe you Father that you mark this wedding and marriage with your stamp of approval and that this marriage will always represent the relationship that Christ and the church have.


Satan we serve you notice that you are not to hinder or interfere in anyway with what God is doing in the life of this engaged single and their partner.


In Jesus Name




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