Newsletter Articles


Debbie Adebayo •
Discover two of the habits highly successful single adults possess and how you can set the foundation for a successful 2006 This article will be helpful if you are ending 2009 broke, lonely, unemployed or underemployed, overweight or spirtually dry.


Successful people are known for at least two habits.  These habits are goal setting and goal evaluation.  Goal setting establishes a standard for success and goal evaluation identifies the current performance level in reaching the standard for success.  You will never know if you are successful if you don't define success and evaluate progress toward success.

As you plan for a successful new year, it will be a good idea to evaluate your performance in several key areas every single adult must have victory in.  These areas are spiritual, financial, social, physical and intellectual.  As a single adult you need to be cultivating these five areas of your life on and ongoing basis.  Listed below is a set of criteria that you should use to evaluate your self.  Areas that you are weak or struggling in should then become the areas you will focus your time, resources, energy and passion on developing in 2006.

First lets look at the spiritual dimension of the single adult life:

  •  Do you have a plan that allows you daily time in the presence of God that includes Bible reading and prayer?

  • Do you regularly attend the Sunday services of a local church that feeds you the Word of God and the leadership lives the life they teach about it.
  • Do you know the vision of that local church and are you actively involved in implementing that vision?  Many times active involvement in implementing the vision of a local church is where personal purpose and destiny are discovered.

Any question you can't respond positively too is indicative of the fact that there are some basic but important aspects of your spiritual development as a single adult are missing and you should begin to address these in 2006.  Maybe you need to invest in a good devotional book to help with daily Bible reading and prayer.  Maybe you need to decide to find a church home this year.  Maybe you need to ask God what would he like you to do in your local church this year.  Maybe He will say teach Sunday school, work in the nursery, take a Missions trip.

Next look at the financial dimension of the single adult life.

  • Do you give 10% (tithe) of your income to your local church?
  • Do you have a plan that identifies how much debt you are in and how and when you plan to get out of debt?
  • Do you have at least one method that you currently utilize to save and or grow money?

Here again if you can't respond positively to these questions you will never be a financial success as a single adult.  The ability to respond positively is the foundation for financial success as a single adult.  Set your 2006 financial goals based on the response to these questions.  Making, saving and giving money are key actions to be aggressively involved in, in order to achieve financial success.

Next you need to look at the physical dimension of the single adult life. The scripture says we should glorify God in our body. (1 Corinthians 6:20)

  • Are you overweight or underweight?  If so, by how much?

  • Do you eat healthy?  Do you know what healthy eating is?
  • Are you on a regular exercise program?
  • Is your sexual drive under control or out of control?

Here again if you can't respond positively to these questions - you will never be a physical success as a single adult.  The ability to respond positively to these questions is the foundation for physical success as a single adult.  Set your 2006 physical goals based on your response to these questions.  If your physical body is not strong and marked by self-control you will never enjoy or receive the full benefit of your financial, spiritual, social or intellectual success.  For example a physically sick millionaire is not able to take full advantage of his/her wealth. 

Next you need to look at the social dimension of the single adult life.

  • Are you actively involved in an activity or ministry that provides you with an opportunity to meet other Christian single adults on a regular basis?
  • Do you have non-romantic relationships with single men or single women?
  • Do you have good friends?
  • Are you a good friend - are you a good listener, do you positively encourage others and have a genuine interest in the lives of others?

 Here again if you can't respond positively to these questions you will never be a social success as a single adult.  The ability to respond positively to these questions is the foundation for social success as a single adult.  Set your 2006 social goals based on your response to these questions.  Life can never be fully enjoyed without good Godly relationships. 

Next you need to look at the intellectual development of the single adult life.

  • Do you read at least one book a month?
  • Are you regularly taking training to improve job performance and opportunity for promotion or are you pursuing a degree or advanced degree?
  • Do you stay up to date on current events?
  • Are you cultivating new hobbies or interests?

Here again if you can't respond positively to these questions - you will never be a intellectual success as a single adult.  The ability to respond positively to these questions is the foundation for intellectual success as a single adult.  Set your intellectual goals for 2006 based on the response to these questions.

Single parents with children who are not adults in addition to your own life you must inventory your child's life.  You must examine their friends, their grades, their physical condition, their intellectual and spiritual development and set goals for success for them.  You can never be a success as a single parent - if your child is not successful.

You will never grow if you don't evaluate progress and decide to change based on the evaluation.  If you want your 2006 to look totally different than your 2005 in terms of the success you are experiencing as a single adult you must take inventory of where you are right now, decide to change and then daily make the necessary adjustments.

Success comes from targeted action on a regular basis.  God has success planned for every single adult but it will never happen just because you want it to happen, it will happen because you make it happen.  God will send help and God will send resources.  Some times this assistance will be supernatural - but it will always be in response to your diligent pursuit of success.  Hebrews 11:6, tells us God rewards diligence.  If you are ending 2005 broke, lonely, unemployed or underemployed, overweight and spiritually dry - there is a reason and you will probably discover the reason while taking this inventory, but if you will pay the price to change once you identify the areas that require adjustments you can end 2006 with a single adult life marked by success and significance. 









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